Learn with Experienced Teachers

At Dance Xtreme we teach from the BATD (British Association Teachers of Dancing) Syllabus. We offer exams  to students as it helps dancers strive to achieve a high level of technique and performance.

Once a year in spring season, we hold examinations at all levels. An examiner from the BATD (British Association Teachers of Dancing) will visit our studio and grade the students.

Each child is given an individual comment sheet, and upon passing she or he receives a certificate, medal, or trophy. Progression through the levels can lead the student to completion of a professional exam and a career in teaching dance. Although it is not mandatory that each student to participate in an exam, it is highly recommended that they do, as it helps dancers strive to achieve a high level of technique and performance.

Want to join our dance family? Then get in touch today!

Dance Xtreme is proud to provide quality dance instruction. The focus of our classes is on co-ordination and rhythm, all while teaching life skills that will remain with students in their future endeavors; social interaction, confidence, discipline and creativity.